If you want to possess a car for yourself, it is not important that you have to buy a new one. There are a number of used car dealers who deal with second hand cars in Kolkata. If a car is the only goal that you are looking at, it may not matter for you whether it is a second hand edition or not.
However, there are some pros and cons like always on which you need to take a cautious look during the time of purchase. You can surely get a car at a cheaper price than its new version, but you need to verify the vitals of the car so that it does not put you in trouble after a few days. You should check a few details like how many kilometers the car has crossed or the date and year of buying, along with the history of servicing or damages in its early period. The biggest problem that people face with a second hand car is its engine. You either need to be a good technician yourself or hire one to test the engine during the time of buying an old car. Moreover, the old car dealer should be genuine. Usually the buyer does not get any service upon a car if it is a second hand version. However, you are surely not supposed to take a trash-can back at home in the name of a car. The price of the car also matters. If you can buy a new car at the price of an old one, why would you come to buy an old car instead of a new one? However, as there are a number of car dealers in Kolkata, you would get a chance to choose one from them. However, it is always better to go for the recent models of the cars available in the market so that it does not put you in trouble during the time of repairing.