If you are planning to invest in a vehicle, chances are that buying a used car in Kolkata is better than opting for a new model. A new car will depreciate more than 10% within the first six months of purchase. This is a depressing news, considering you will get a better deal for a used car if you negotiate smartly.

A model that is one to three years older will still be under the manufacturer’s warranty and offer many more years of good service. Therefore, given in the blog below are some of the negotiating tips for the savvy car shoppers.

How much should a used car cost?

When you are negotiating prices for used cars, make sure to know how much the specific model typically sell for. Demand for used vehicles rose during 2020 due to a wave of consumer spending being affected due to economic inflation. Decreased supply of new vehicles paired with more consumers having ready cash to spend on used cars helped raise the purchase value over year.

How to get a good deal on a used car?

We cannot stress enough the fact that researching on the model that you wish to purchase can benefit you in a multitude of ways. Beyond the valuable research tools available on the internet, you should look for the best dealer in the city popular for buying and selling cars. Once you have decided on the vehicle you can visit the dealer for an in-person research. This means taking a used vehicle for a test drive and giving it a careful visual inspection.

How much can you reduce the price of a second hand car with a dealer?

The amount you can knock off the price ultimately depends on what the car is worth. Apart from that check your financing position is, and how long the car has been in the pre-owned market. You should also consider how much trade-in value you can add if you are exchanging your vehicle. Get estimates for similar vehicles from other dealers so you have a clear idea of the market rate.

How to negotiate for the best price on a used car?

Your knowledge can be the best resource for getting the best deal. This is the best time when your bargaining skills come into play. Be strategic in your approach. When a lower purchase price is the goal, look for dealers who will be willing to make concessions in your favor.

If you know what type of car you want and how much it should exactly cost, then half the battle is won. Customers who are looking for used luxury cars in Kolkata can contact one of the best car dealers in the city and check out the website or visit the experts to find the best used car at affordable prices.

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